Purple Flowering Raspberry
Rubus odoratus (Flowering Raspberry, Virginia Raspberry)
I found this deciduous shrub, growing in the woods in Essex Jct. Vt.
Edible Parts: Fruit
raw or cooked, Somewhat tart and dry, it is usually cooked and used in pies, jellies, preserves.
The leaves are highly astringent. They are used in the treatment of dysentery and diarrhea. The leaves have been used as a wash for old and foul sores, boils etc. A decoction or infusion of the branches has been used to settle the stomach. A decoction of the leaves and stems has been used to treat kidney complaints. The root is astringent. A decoction of the root or the root bark has been used as a treatment for diarrhea and colds. The root has been used in the treatment of toothaches. The berries have been used as a diuretic.