Autumn Color Around A Crescent Moon
Camels Hump Viewed From A Boat On Lake Champlain.
Fall on the road to All Souls Interfaith Gathering Center in Shelburne, Vermont.
Fall on the road to All Souls Interfaith Gathering Center in Shelburne, Vermont.
Autumn View of Camels Hump and a farm, Classic fall in Vermont.
There's a beautiful little gazebo, in the Hyde Street Triangle Park, that looked really lovely amongst the autumn leaves.
Artists: Terry Zigmund, John Marius, & VSA students.
Made of stained glass and steel.
With help from a CEDO grant, VSA arts of Vermont's four-year goal of erecting a dome with stained glass panels made by adults with developmental disabilities in Burlington's Old North End came to fruition in the spring of 2010.
The stained glass panels in the sculpture were made by community artists in VSA Arts of Vermont classes presented in partnership with Howard Center Developmental Services and Champlain Community Services, and taught by Terry Zigmund of Burlington Community Glass Studio. The steel dome was made by John Marius of Champlain Metals.
Fall Light And A Monkey, do you see the monkey.
Autumn Fence Line Glory
Autumn View of Camels Hump With Earthtones
More Fall Fenceline Color
Autumn Ferry Cruise on Lake Champlain