Common Knapweed, Centaurea Nigra. It looks to me like a wild bachelors button. Only the flower head is edible and when taken with pepper, it's said to be a way of restoring lost appetite.. Medicinally it is used for wound healing, sore throats, bleeding gums and catarrh. Some physicians mixed it with other herbs to create antidotes for snake bites. When used medicinally, the dried root and seeds are used mainly in decoctions, made from one ounce of the dried seeds or root to one pint of water. You boil this mixture until the liquid is reduced by half and then strain it. The dose is apparently 75 millilitres up to three times a day.
Knapweed Seed Pods Over Purple Vetch
I love how the seed pods look like tiny golden pine cones.
Bee On Knapweed
Knapweed Seed Pods Over Purple Vetch
I love how the seed pods look like tiny golden pine cones.
Bee On Knapweed